is built on top of Mapbox GL. A mapbox account and an access token are needed to use in your app. Get a Mapbox Access Token at uses Redux to manage its internal state, along with react-palm middleware to handle side effects. Mount reducer in your store, apply taskMiddleware.
import keplerGlReducer from '';
import {createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware} from 'redux';
import {taskMiddleware} from 'react-palm/tasks';
const reducer = combineReducers({
// <-- mount reducer in your app
keplerGl: keplerGlReducer,
// Your other reducers here
app: appReducer
// create store
const store = createStore(reducer, {}, applyMiddleware(taskMiddleware));
If you mount keplerGlReducer in another address instead of keplerGl, or it is not
mounted at root of your reducer, you will need to specify the path to it when you mount the component with the getState prop.
In order to interact with a instance and add new data to it, you can dispatch the addDataToMap action from anywhere inside your app. It adds dataset(s) to a instance and updates the full configuration (mapState, mapStyle, visState).