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Kepler.gl is a data-agnostic, high-performance web-based application for visual exploration of large-scale geolocation data sets. Built on top of MapLibre GL and deck.gl, kepler.gl can render millions of points representing thousands of trips and perform spatial aggregations on the fly.
Kepler.gl is also a React component that uses Redux to manage its state and data flow. It can be embedded into other React-Redux applications and is highly customizable. For information on how to embed kepler.gl in your app take a look at this step-by-step tutorial on vis.academy.
Use Node 18.18.2 or above, older node versions have not been supported/ tested. For best results, use nvm nvm install
Kepler.gl consists of different modules. Each module can be added to the project like this:
kepler.gl is built upon mapbox. You will need a Mapbox Access Token to use it.
If you don't use a module bundler, it's also fine. Kepler.gl npm package includes precompiled production UMD builds in the umd folder. You can add the script tag to your html file as it follows (latest version of Kepler.gl):
or if you would like, you can load a specific version:
Take a look at the development guide to develop kepler.gl locally.
Here are the basic steps to import kepler.gl into your app. You also take a look at the examples folder. Each example in the folder can be installed and run locally.
Kepler.gl uses Redux to manage its internal state, along with react-palm middleware to handle side effects.
You need to add taskMiddleware
of react-palm
to your store too. We are actively working on a solution where react-palm
will not be required, however it is still a very lightweight side effects management tool that is easier to test than react-thunk.
Or if use enhancer:
If you mount kepler.gl reducer in another address instead of keplerGl
, or the kepler.gl reducer is not mounted at root of your state, you will need to specify the path to it when you mount the component with the getState
Read more about Reducers.
(String, required)
Default: map
The id of this KeplerGl instance. id
is required if you have multiple KeplerGl instances in your app. It defines the prop name of the KeplerGl state that is stored in the KeplerGl reducer. For example, the state of the KeplerGl component with id foo
is stored in state.keplerGl.foo
In case you create multiple kepler.gl instances using the same id, the kepler.gl state defined by the entry will be overridden by the latest instance and reset to a blank state.
(String, required*)
Default: undefined
By default, kepler.gl uses mapbox-gl.js to render its base maps. You can create a free account at mapbox and create a token at www.mapbox.com/account/access-tokens.
If you replaced kepler.gl default map styles with your own, and they are not Mapbox styles. mapboxApiAccessToken
will not be required.
Read more about Custom Map Styles.
(Function, optional)
Default: state => state.keplerGl
The path to the root keplerGl state in your reducer.
(Number, optional)
Default: 800
Width of the KeplerGl UI.
(Number, optional)
Default: 800
(String, optional)
Default: Kepler.Gl
App name displayed in side panel header
(String, optional)
Default: v1.0
version displayed in side panel header
(Function, optional)
Default: undefined
Action called when click Save Map Url in side panel header.
(Function, optional)
Default: undefined
Parameter: viewState
- An updated view state object containing parameters such as longitude, latitude, zoom etc
Action triggered when map viewport is updated.
getMapboxRef(mapbox, index)
(Function, optional)
Default: undefined
Function called when KeplerGL
adds or removes a MapContainer
component having an inner Mapbox map.
The mapbox
argument is an MapRef
when added or null
when removed.
The index
argument is 0 for a single map or 1 for an additional map (since KeplerGL
supports an optional split map view).
(Object, optional)
Default: {}
Actions creators to replace default kepler.gl action creator. Only use custom action when you want to modify action payload.
(Boolean, optional)
Default: true
Whether to load a fresh empty state when component is mounted. when parse mint: true
kepler.gl component will always load a fresh state when re-mount the same component, state inside this component will be destroyed once its unmounted. By Parsing mint: false
kepler.gl will keep the component state in the store even when it is unmounted, and use it as initial state when re-mounted again. This is useful when mounting kepler.gl in a modal, and keep the same map when re-open.
Read more about Components.
(Object | String, optional)
default: null
One of "dark"
, "light"
or "base"
You can pass theme name or object used to customize Kepler.gl style. Kepler.gl provide an 'light'
theme besides the default 'dark' theme. When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.
Read more about Custom Theme
(String, optional)
Default: https://api.mapbox.com
If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api url.
(Boolean, optional)
Default: false
kepler.gl provide 4 map styles to choose from. Pass true
if you want to supply your own mapStyles
. See Below.
(Array, optional)
Default: []
You can supply additional map styles to be displayed in map style selection panel. By default, additional map styles will be added to default map styles. If pass mapStylesReplaceDefault: true
, they will replace the default ones. kepler.gl will attempt to group layers of your style based on its id
naming convention and use it to allow toggle visibility of base map layers. Supply your own layerGroups
to override default for more accurate layer grouping.
Each mapStyles
should has the following properties:
(String, required) unique string that should not be one of these reserved dark
. muted_night
(String, required) name to be displayed in map style selection panel
(String, required) mapbox style url or a url pointing to the map style json object written in Mapbox GL Style Spec.
(String, optional) image icon of the style, it can be a url, or an image data url
(Array, optional)
Read more about Custom Map Styles.
(object, optional)
Default: undefined
Intial UI State applied to uiState reducer, value will be shallow merged with default INITIAL_UI_STATE
(object, optional)
Default: undefined
Modify default translation or add new translation
Read more about Localization.
reducer.One advantage of using the reducer over React component state to handle keplerGl state is the flexibility to customize its behavior. If you only have one KeplerGl
instance in your app or never intend to dispatch actions to KeplerGl from outside the component itself, you don’t need to worry about forwarding dispatch and can move on to the next section. But life is full of customizations, and we want to make yours as enjoyable as possible.
There are multiple ways to dispatch actions to a specific KeplerGl
In the root reducer, with reducer updaters.
Each action is mapped to a reducer updater in kepler.gl. You can import the reducer updater corresponding to a specific action, and call it with the previous state and action payload to get the updated state. e.g. updateVisDataUpdater
is the updater for ActionTypes.UPDATE_VIS_DATA
(take a look at each reducer reducers/vis-state.js
for action to updater mapping). Here is an example how you can listen to an app action QUERY_SUCCESS
and call updateVisDataUpdater
to load data into Kepler.Gl.
Read more about using updaters to modify kepler.gl state
Using redux connect
You can add a dispatch function to your component that dispatches actions to a specific keplerGl
component, using connect.
Wrap action payload
You can also simply wrap an action into a forward action with the wrapTo
Read more about forward dispatching actions
Kepler.gl implements css styling using Styled-Components. By using said framework Kepler.gl offers the ability to customize its style/theme using the following approaches:
Passing a Theme prop
Styled-Components ThemeProvider
The available properties to customize are listed here theme.
Passing a Theme prop.
You can customize Kepler.gl theme by passing a theme props to Kepler.gl react component as it follows:
As you can see the customTheme object defines certain properties which will override Kepler.gl default style rules.
Styled-Components Theme Provider.
In order to customize Kepler.gl theme using ThemeProvider you can simply wrap Kepler.gl using ThemeProvider as it follows:
Everyone wants the flexibility to render custom kepler.gl components. Kepler.gl has a dependency injection system that allow you to inject components to KeplerGl replacing existing ones. All you need to do is to create a component factory for the one you want to replace, import the original component factory and call injectComponents
at the root component of your app where KeplerGl
is mounted. Take a look at examples/demo-app/src/app.js
and see how it renders a custom side panel header in kepler.gl
Using withState
helper to add reducer state and actions to customized component as additional props.
Read more about replacing UI component
To interact with a kepler.gl instance and add new data to it, you can dispatch the addDataToMap
action from anywhere inside your app. It adds a dataset or multiple datasets to a kepler.gl instance and updates the full configuration (mapState, mapStyle, visState).
Object *required
boolean default: true
if centerMap
is set to true
kepler.gl will place the map view within the data points boundaries
boolean default: false
if readOnly
is set to true
the left setting panel will be hidden
boolean default: false
whether to keep exiting map config, including layers, filters and splitMaps.
Object this object will contain the full kepler.gl instance configuration {mapState, mapStyle, visState}
Kepler.gl provides an easy API KeplerGlSchema.getConfigToSave
to generate a json blob of the current kepler instance configuration.
Read more about addDataToMap and Saving and loading maps with schema manager.