1. Configuring Mapbox API hostname
Copy < KeplerGl
id = "foo"
mapboxApiAccessToken = {token}
mapboxApiUrl = { "https://api.mapbox.cn" }
width = {width}
height = {height}/>
2. Overriding the default MapStyles
The default MapStyles KeplerGL uses might not be accessible to you, in this case you will need to provide MapStyle overrides. During construction of your component:
Copy this .token = '' ;
this .apiHost = "https://api.mapbox.cn" ;
this .mapStyles = [
id : 'dark' ,
label : 'Dark Streets 9' ,
url : 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9' ,
icon: `${this.apiHost}/styles/v1/mapbox/dark-v9/static/-122.3391,37.7922,9.19,0,0/400x300?access_token=${this.token}&logo=false&attribution=false`,
layerGroups : [] // DEFAULT_LAYER_GROUPS
} ,
id : 'light' ,
label : 'Light Streets 9' ,
url : 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9' ,
icon: `${this.apiHost}/styles/v1/mapbox/light-v9/static/-122.3391,37.7922,9.19,0,0/400x300?access_token=${this.token}&logo=false&attribution=false`,
layerGroups : [] // DEFAULT_LAYER_GROUPS
Copy < KeplerGl
id = "foo"
mapboxApiAccessToken = { this .token}
mapboxApiUrl = {}
mapStyles = { this .mapStyles}
width = {width}
height = {height}/>