Saving and Loading Maps with Schema Manager provides a schema manager to save and load maps. It converts current map data and configuration into a smaller JSON blob. You can then load that JSON blob into an empty map by passing it to addDataToMap.

The reason provides a Schema manager is to make it easy for users to connect the client app to any database, saving map data / config and later load it back. With the schema manager, a map saved in an older version can still be parsed and loaded with the latest library.

Save map

Pass the instanceState to

  • will output a JSON blob including data and config.

Under the hood, calls SchemaManager.getDatasetToSave() and SchemaManager.getConfigToSave()

  • SchemaManager.getDatasetToSave() will output an array of dataset.

  • SchemaManager.getConfigToSave() will output a JSON blob of the current config.

In the example blow, foo is the id of the KeplerGl instance to be save.

import KeplerGlSchema from '';

const mapToSave =;
// mapToSave = {datasets: [], config: {}, info: {}};

const dataToSave = KeplerGlSchema.getDatasetToSave(;
// dataToSave = [{version: '', data: {id, label, color, allData, fields}}]

const configToSave = KeplerGlSchema.getConfigToSave(;
// configToSave = {version: '', config: {}}

Load map

Pass saved data and config to SchemaManager.load()

  • SchemaManager.load() will parsed saved config and data, apply version control, the output can then be passed to addDataToMap directly.

Under the hood, SchemaManager.load() calls SchemaManager.parseSavedData() and SchemaManager.parseSavedConfig()

  • SchemaManager.parseSavedData() will output an array of parsed dataset.

  • SchemaManager.parseSavedConfig() will output a JSON blob of the parsed config.

import KeplerGlSchema from '';
import {addDataToMap} from '';

const mapToLoad = KeplerGlSchema.load(savedDatasets, savedConfig);
// mapToLoad = {datasets: [], config: {}};


Match config with another dataset

Often times, people want to keep a map config as template, then load it with different datasets. To match a config with a different dataset, you need to make sure in the new dataset matches the old one.

import KeplerGlSchema from '';
import {addDataToMap} from '';

// save current map data and config
const {datasets, config} =;
// mapToLoad = {datasets: [], config: {}};

// receive some new data
const newData = someNewData;
// newData = [{rows, fields}]

// match id with old datasets
const newDatasets =, i) => ({
  version: datasets[i].version,
  data: {
    allData: d.rows,
    fields: d.fields

// load config with new datasets
const mapToLoad = KeplerGlSchema.load(newDatasets, config);


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